Common cervical symptoms and conditions include: Disc Herniation Disc Degeneration Spinal Stenosis Facet Syndrome Disc Bulging Cervical Spondylosis 1)Herniated Cervical Disc The cervical spine discs are made of a tough outer layer called the “annulus fibrosus” and a gel-like center called the “nucleus pulposus.” As we age, the center of the disc may start to lose water content, making the disc less effective as a cushion. As a disc deteriorates, the outer layer can also tear. This can allow displacement of the disc’s center (called a herniated or ruptured disc) through a crack in the outer layer, into the space occupied by the nerves and spinal cord. A herniated cervical disc can press on the nerves and cause pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the shoulders or arms. 2)Spinal Stenosis Stenosis, or narrowing of the spinal canal, can occur in the lumbar and the cervical spine. Cervical stenosis refers to pain in the neck where there is compression of the spinal cord. Symptoms of spinal cord stenosis can include leg pain (sciatica) that may be accompanied by low back pain, leg numbness and tingling, and limitations in walking. 3)Degenerative disk Degenerative disk disease is when normal changes that take place in the disks of your spine cause pain. Spinal disks are like shock absorbent between the vertebrae, or bones, of your spine. They help your back stay flexible, so you can bend and twist. As you get older, they can show signs of wear and tear. They begin to break down and may not work as well. Nearly everyone's disks break down over time, but not everyone feels pain. If worn-out spinal disks are the reason you're hurting, you have degenerative disk disease. Although occasionally leg pain and stenosis symptoms will come on acutely, they generally develop over the course of several years. The longer a patient with spinal stenosis stands or walks, the worse the leg pain will get. 4)Facet Syndrome A joint connects two or more bones in your body and functions to promote motion. In your spine, the joints connecting each of your vertebrae are known as facet joints. Other names for facet joints include zygapophyseal or apophyseal joints, or your doctor may refer to them as simply facets. Like any other joint in your body, each facet joints’ job is to promote healthy movement and—along with the intervertebral disc—provide stability for each motion segment. The disc functions as a spacer and to support motion between the vertebral bodies. This forms a tripod relationship between the intervertebral disc and the facet joint. Degeneration or damage to one affects the other. The effects of aging and/or traumatic injury can damage the facet joints and is the leading cause of back pain known as facet joint syndrome. 5) Disc Bulging Your spine consists of vertebrae which have spinal discs in between to act as a shock absorber, preventing damage to the spinal tissue and bone. They also help to make movement easier. Discs have a hard casing and liquid-like center. Movement or slipping of the disc from its normal positioning results in an outward swelling of the fluid material throughout the weakest point of the shell of the disc. In many cases, the disc balloons in between spaces in the vertebrae. This process happens over an extended period. The longer that a condition progresses, the worse the symptoms will become. Bulging discs may refer to a protruding disc. 6)Cervical Spondylosis (Arthritis of the Neck) Neck pain can be caused by many things—but is most often related to getting older. Like the rest of the body, the disks and joints in the neck (cervical spine) slowly degenerate as we age. Cervical spondylosis, commonly called arthritis of the neck, is the medical term for these age-related, wear-and-tear changes that occur over time. Cervical spondylosis is extremely common. More than 85 percent of people over the age of 60 are affected. The condition most often causes pain and stiffness in the neck—although many people with cervical spondylosis experience no noticeable symptoms. In most cases, cervical spondylosis responds well to conservative treatment that includes medication and physical therapy.

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