
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese method used to relieve some health conditions and symptoms, such as pain. An acupuncturist inserts very thin steel needles into the patient’s skin at multiple “acupoints.” The needles rebalance the body’s energy, or qi, and prompt the body to release natural chemicals to fight the illness or symptom.. Acupuncture uses meridians, based on the diagnostic and clinical reasoning approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine . This entails comprehensive knowledge of the 5 element theory, tongue and pulse assessment. TCM is based on the concept of injuries/ill health being a manifestation of imbalance in the body's energy. This balance requires two key forces- Yin and Yang . Hence, Acupuncture aims to restore this homeostatic balance by the insertion of fine acupuncture needles that influences the flow of Qi (pronouced as chee). Qi circulates through the body through channels or meridians. The stimulation of appropriate acupuncture points within the meridian may free stagnation, increase QI or reduce excess QI to the specific area or organ, hence, re-establishing a normal QI flow and balance.

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Gujarat Hospital M G Road Bharuch 392001

+91 9724352020
Mon - Sat08:00AM - 08:00PM